
currently learning how to draw

Who is Cerulean?

Cerulean, also known as azzure_ cerulean, is where i post all of my drawing and art. You can find azzure_cerulean account on both Twitter and Instagram. The mascot behind Cerulean is one of my OC named Miranda

Who is Adsky?

Adsky, or AdskyLR, is me. The person that made this carrd and the one who is talking right now. You can find me on Twitter where i talk about literally anything (Rhythm Games, Yugioh, etc). There's also my Discord, and Youtube as well. The mascot behind Adsky is usually one of my OC named Cynthia

Who is Aegean?

Aegean, also known as azzure_aegean, is my NSFW account. As of now it only exist on Twitter, but you can also see some of the drawing on my discord server as well.


  • Can do : Anime/Cartoon Characters, Mild Mecha/Monsters, Character Design/Sheet

  • Can't do : Furries, Realism

  • Payment Method : Paypal, BCA, Gopay

  • Contact : Twitter/Discord DM

  • Prices may vary depending on how complex the drawing is

  • Please provide clear reference and as much as possible

Style A

  • Headshot : $10 / Rp 30.000,-

  • Bust : $18 / Rp 75.000,-

  • Half Body : $25 / Rp 150.000,-

  • Full Body : $35 / Rp 210.000,-

Style B

  • Headshot : $12 / Rp 50.000,-

  • Bust : $20 / Rp 120.000,-

  • Half Body : $28 / Rp 210.000,-

  • Full Body : $40 / Rp 300.000,-


What's the difference between Style A and B?

Style A has a more straightforward sketch/lineart and a simple coloring. While B has a different kinds of rendering/shading technique, colored lineart, and takes a lot more time to make.

Can i request for NSFW drawing?

Oh absolutely, but please do note that i may or may not will reject certain fetishes.

What if i want multiple characters?

That's totally fine! However the prices will still increase normally. For example, if you want 2 full body character with style B, the total will be $80

What about Background?

If it's just a simple background, no change on price. If not, it will increase depending on how complex it is

Is it possible to do revision?

Yes, but only if it is just a small changes. And dont do it too much please

Where can i see your other drawing?

Just visit my azzure_cerulean account! Twitter is the best place to check all of my past drawing

I still have more question

My DM are always open, don't hesitate to ask!!

Before the Disaster

Before the Disaster, or can be shorten as BTD, is a visual novel project that i'm currently working on. It features all of my OC's, one in particular is Cynthia Seraphiel.The story follows the protagonist Cynthia, who just recently met with her old classmates. Ever since that day, she notices something is off about everyone around her. Her friends and family aren't behaving as their usual, and it seems like they've suffered through a lot of stuff that they've been kept hiding from her.Perhaps with Cynthia's actions, she could twist their fate into a brighter one. Could she do anything to help them with her fragile heart?


Much like BTD, Aftermath is also yet another story with my OC's. But this time rather than using Renpy, i will be using RPGmaker MZ instead.Aftermath is the sequel for Before the Disaster, following the protagonist Enny Seraphiel. Ever since the Disaster began, the world has turned into a chaos and some humans in the world were turned into a hideous creature that couldn't control their body and mind, those who have changed are now called the "Abnormals".Several years later, the disaster has gotten worse and the Abnormals are starting to increase and attack the humans. Enny, at such a young age of 12, must survive through these madness alongside with her companions and find a way to stop the Abnormals.